Friday, February 12, 2021

Week 3 Part A: Aesthetic, Design, and Branding

  • MCBD Parts and Services' site in my own opinion is not professionally done. Although the concept is there,  but it became veiled by the designs. Navigation is on the perfect spot but I can hardly read it. Home Page is too busy and cluttered, too many pictures are posted. The first time I opened the page, I know that there's something wrong because I started having headache upon looking on the colors and the animated words on the banners which are almost exactly the same words displayed on the heading. There's no contrast on the background and fonts colors resulted to words aren't readable. Too much warm colors, maybe a combination of cool colors might be pleasing to the eyes. Putting only few photos on the Homepage and just put the rest in a Gallery that visitors can easily access them if the want to view or call you for further info.

  • Jami Lin is also very information heavy to the extent that the site is not welcoming to the visitors anymore. Heading Banner is too crowded with pictures and words. Very colorful, some informations are  not left-aligned. Font sizes are hierarchy arranged but it spreads apart all aver the place. Maybe if they will change their font colors to darker with a little bit of shadow effects and used a lighter shade of background  like 80% shade, that would help the words become readable or the other way, they can keep the white font but they have to use a darker background. Deleting the  borders or lines also makes it clean. Navigation is so tiny I never noticed it a first,  maybe bold or  increase the font size would help but they need to decrease the ads' font and other information on the banner.

  • Toyota website looks perfectly done. It's clean and well-organized. Even though it looks information heavy but its well group according to the information you need from the type of vehicle or looking the dealer closest to your location etc. Logo is on the right spot. Social Media platforms are easy to find.The choice of picture on the HomePage is very nice and very heartwarming. Choice of  font and style are great, it's very legible. Their used of aesthetics, design, and branding is very encouraging and fulfilling its like if I'm really looking or planning to buy a car I will consider start making a dialogue for them to help pick the right vehicle for me.

  • Apple website is also done professionally for me. It's very neat and easy to read. Navigation is easy to find and also categorized to the type of product you will need. All information posted are legible. Same with Toyota, Apple's choice of aesthetic, design, and branding are also great. Checking on their website also had  help me before. When  the last time I upgraded my iPhone.

1 comment:

  1. Tess,

    I found your thoughts on the websites you chose very interesting. I chose Toyota and Apple as well. I agree that they are both very well done. It is intriguing to see the difference between a company like Toyota and the other businesses I have never heard of. It leads me to think that creating a website takes a lot more money than I anticipated. Either that or they have the resources to hire someone whose sole purpose is to create the website. Which means that it takes a lot of time and commitment that small business can't always account for.

    Great post!


Week 17: Wrapping It Up

 I was thinking back on the first time I have Facebook and Instagram personal account. It was just plainly for social interactions purposes....