Sunday, April 4, 2021

Week 9 Part B: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars

In this week's activity, I created two Instagram posts and I as what I normally do, I shared them to my Facebook business page as well. I like how we can link our post in different social media platforms because as a busy mom, it really saves and minimizes my time.

In my business blog, vlog, posts, I love to use some of these categories: Daycare daily routine, how we set-up our center, we will show them how our daily activities from the time parents dropped off their child to the center until pick-up time. Activities and games, we will post and share lots of activities such spirit day, Science Fair, Art Fair, Summer Camp and even the games that we do that parents and viewers might find them interesting as well to do at home with their children during  weekend. Arts and Crafts, sharing step-by-step art & crafts activities is also fun. 

We will also share some recipe's of our children's favorite snacks in the center, maybe we can share them videos on preparing healthy meal or snacks for children. Lastly, we would also create an inspirational blog appreciating all the busy parents for trusting us to be their partner in loving and caring their wonderful child. 

I believe these categories will help my business grow because in this way, we can prove to them that our service is pure and we will take care and love their children seriously. 

Blog Post I commented:

1 comment:

  1. I like your posts shared for this week! Your categories sounds best for your audience growth, and I can feel how your business will take care and love their children seriously from these posts:)


Week 17: Wrapping It Up

 I was thinking back on the first time I have Facebook and Instagram personal account. It was just plainly for social interactions purposes....